They say that control is an illusion. I guess that THEY have never been controlled before, but the reality is that those who feel the need to control others are showing their weakness rather than their strength. The ones being controlled tend to think that controllers are strong. But that is the true illusion.

For strong people feel confident enough in themselves, have enough faith, & have enough self-esteem not to feel the need for such control. They are showing their weakness each and every time they feel compelled to exert unnecessary and forceful control. It is actually the ones who are being controlled that are the strong ones, for they must have the fortitude to endure.

– Lou Lehman Sams



Within the imperfections of reality lies inspiration, for perfection upon earth is just an illusion which the insecure project in order to insulate themselves from the pain of living; for like a baby being squeezed through a birth canal, change, growth, & rebirth bring transformation, but they come at a price called sacrifice. Embrace your imperfections, for it is in the painful process of discarding pretense & showing the world who you really are that you transform into the person whom you were destined to be.

Opening wide the door to your dysfunctions allows the fresh air of reality to sweep them clean, & you will be free to embrace what is left behind after the purging is complete. It is through recognizing disenchantment & managing expectations that you will find the courage to expose the common thread that binds you to everyone else, which is the imperfect humanity that joins us each with the rest of mankind. Your story resonates with others when they recognize that which unites them with you in spirit, & holding fast to the illusion that all is well within your four walls when your world is falling apart alienates, rather than attracts others. You do not have to air your dirty laundry in public. But do not be afraid to be real when you face your struggles, for without a plot twist, there is not a bestseller, & without a trial, there is no testimony.

When God became man on earth, we found a common thread that binds us to His suffering, & it is that same thread that binds us to one another in love. Be of good courage – we all fall, we all fail, & we all hurt, for we are all human. That is the one true reality. Everything else is an illusion.

– Lou Lehman Sams




Those who know me well know that I’ve seen way more than my fair share of rainbows the past few years, such as this splendid double rainbow which I took this pic of last Spring. Not sure if I’ve been outside more, or looking up more, or what?

But in my heart of hearts, I believe that everything is interconnected on levels that man has yet to fully comprehend. And I must confess, I saw so many of them in person in 2017 that I began to, in the still of the night, research their physical makeup and possible spiritual meanings throughout the ages.

This poem is written about no one, yet everyone, simultaneously. It’s not written about a particular man or woman, but more about heart versus mind. Thankfully, I’ve barred the doors to both flesh and blood as well as otherworldly and imaginary ghosts. So do not fret, my friends, this is just some random musings of my restless heart and soul.

“You say my rainbows are just an illusion,

Yet I know for sure they are not a delusion.

Men, like light, & clay, indeed have duality,

Whether we like it or not, it’s the reality.

I see colors in clouds and in men’s souls,

You see nothing but those big black holes.

Opposite ends of the spectrum, are we,

Our different perspectives are a certainty.

But neither one of us can walk through walls,

In our minds’ chambers, ghosts walk the halls.

Some ghosts are darkness, some are light,

But nonetheless, the ghosts dance at night.

In the end it’s the ones we choose to embrace

That define us, and lend us grace or disgrace.

So I’ll keep searching for rainbows in the sky,

I hear the thunder heralds angels on high.

Beautiful colors are part of transition,

Or maybe they are just a transmission.

Either way, something I don’t want to miss,

The awe of the sun, rain, stars, or a kiss.

Old ghosts can’t keep me warm at night,

But oh, how warm I rest by the firelight!

You say my rainbows are just an illusion,

Yet I know for sure they’re not a delusion.”

~ Lou Lehman Sams




Every day I look for answers, 

But answers I do not find.
I guess sometimes the only answer,

Is to leave the questions behind.

For you cannot solve life’s mysteries,

If you don’t know what they are.

Sometimes life’s true mysteries

Are like that faraway star.

Perhaps the light which inspires you

Does not really exist any more at all.

Maybe the heavenly light you view

No longer burns that brightly at all.

Maybe the one you profess to love

No longer possesses  a light within.

Perhaps, like that burnt out star above

Sometimes life’s true mysteries

Are like that faraway star.

Perhaps the light which inspires you

Does not really exist any more at all.

Maybe the heavenly light you view

No longer burns that brightly at all.

Maybe the one you profess to love

No longer possesses  a light within.

Perhaps, like that burnt out star above

What you see is but a reflection.

People change with time & circumstance,

No longer the ones we used to adore

They fade into but a remembrance,

Like a mirage we spy upon a distant shore.

We struggle as we seek to understand

What happened, & where it all went wrong

But in the end from our lives are they banned

For we must look inside, and we must be strong.

Celestial stars inspire us, and amuse

But their lights are but a cruel  illusion, 

That does nothing but disappoint and bemuse

As we sink deeper into despair and confusion.

Look up in the deep, dark night of your soul

And find inspiration from memories of old

But then let go so that you may be whole,

Let go, so you can live life big and bold.

Every day you look for answers,

But answers you do not find.

I guess sometimes the real answer

Is to leave all the questions behind.

~ Lou Lehman Sams



Within the imperfections of reality lies inspiration, for perfection upon earth is just an illusion which the insecure project in order to insulate themselves from the pain of living; for like a baby being squeezed through a birth canal, change, growth, & rebirth bring transformation, but they come at a price called sacrifice. Embrace your imperfections, for it is in the painful process of discarding pretense & showing the world who you really are that you transform into the person whom you were destined to be.

Opening wide the door to your dysfunctions allows the fresh air of reality to sweep them clean, & you will be free to embrace what is left behind after the purging is complete. It is through recognizing disenchantment & managing expectations that you will find the courage to expose the common thread that binds you to everyone else, which is the imperfect humanity that joins us each with the rest of mankind.

Your story resonates with others when they recognize that which unites them with you in spirit, & holding fast to the illusion that all is well within your four walls when your world is falling apart alienates, rather than attracts others. You do not have to air your dirty laundry in public. But do not be afraid to be real when you face your struggles, for without a plot twist, there is not a bestseller, & without a trial, there is no testimony. When God became man on earth, we found a common thread that binds us to His suffering, & it is that same thread that binds us to one another in love. Be of good courage – we all fall, we all fail, & we all hurt, for we are all human. That is the one true reality. Everything else is an illusion.

– Lou Lehman Sams




She’d tried to make it easier on him to walk away
By acting like there was nothing left to say.
Guess he just forgot she was a really good actress
She’d act like all was well, but really she was a mess.
He thought she’d gone & turned her back on him
And that independence was her only anthem.
But beneath her elegant & poised facade
Was her weary soul, leaning upon her God.

Their time was over, it was past, it was done,
And when she looked back he was already gone.
Her love for him, he’d taken it all for granted
He never knew that his leaving left her frantic.
She looked up at raindrops in the tear stained sky
A rainbow appeared in the corner of her eye.
But it was nothing more than an optical illusion
Just one more thing to add to their confusion.

She’d tried to make it easier for him to walk away
When all she ever desired was for him to stay.
His texts went unanswered, though she did cry
She did not want to cut ties, but she had to try.
Sometimes in the night of him she dreamed
Though in sleep nothing was really as it seemed.
Yes, she’d told him not to ever come back to her
Yet still she prayed for that happily ever after.

Until one day she realized it was all for naught
As their baggage on the conveyor belt was caught.
She cried, she prayed, mixed emotions she did feel
And finally she stopped feeling & began to heal.
No more did her heart inside her create a commotion
For him she had learned to block all the emotion.
Perhaps the whole relationship had been delusion
A rainbow, a shooting star, & an optical illusion.

– Lou Lehman Sams




Yesterday, the sun was shining, & it appeared to be a warm, sunny day in Alabama. However, pressing my hand against the extremely cold glass & feeling a slight draft coming from the window made me suspect otherwise. Still, the sun shining down made it look like a warm day out. But opening the door just a crack to let the puppy out proved otherwise – it was bitter cold out, & far too frigid to be outdoors unnecessarily, especially unprotected. Many people, places & things are not what they appear. If you get a hint that things are not what they seem, trust your instincts, you are probably right to leave them alone, even though they seem to be nice, warm & inviting. And sometimes just the opposite is true – some people appear to be frigid souls, but they just have a wall of protection built around them, & once you make it inside, they have some of the warmest hearts of all. Take into account how things appear, but also trust your instincts, remembering that there are some very good actors in the world, & yes, there are still some wolves in sheep’s clothing lying in wait, even when the weather outside is beautiful. Stay warm, inside & out, peeps!

– Lou Lehman Sams




Within the imperfections of reality lies inspiration, for perfection upon earth is just an illusion which the insecure project in order to insulate themselves from the pain of living; for like a baby being squeezed through a birth canal, change, growth, & rebirth bring transformation, but they come at a price called sacrifice.

Embrace your imperfections, for it is in the painful process of discarding pretense & showing the world who you really are that you transform into the person whom you were destined to be. Opening wide the door to your dysfunctions allows the fresh air of reality to sweep them clean, & you will be free to embrace what is left behind after the purging is complete. It is through recognizing disenchantment & managing expectations that you will find the courage to expose the common thread that binds you to everyone else, which is the imperfect humanity that joins us each with the rest of mankind.

Your story resonates with others when they recognize that which unites them with you in spirit, & holding fast to the illusion that all is well within your four walls when your world is falling apart alienates, rather than attracts others.

You do not have to air your dirty laundry in public. But do not be afraid to be real when you face your struggles, for without a plot twist, there is not a bestseller, & without a trial, there is no testimony.

When God became man on earth, we found a common thread that binds us to His suffering, & it is that same thread that binds us to one another in love. Be of good courage – we all fall, we all fail, & we all hurt, for we are all human. That is the one true reality. Everything else is an illusion.

– Lou Lehman Sams